Ridex Aquseal (Two Component)

Ridex Aquseal (Two Component)

Ridex Aquaseal is two component acrylic cementaious flexible waterproof protective
coating concrete and mansory substrate.


High water resistance & Breathable membrance.
Excellent adhesion to brick work concrete / mansory and cement bonding
Excellent resistance to chloride iron diffusion & Carbondioxide


Swimming Pools ,Watertanks, Internal Waterproof Coating, Bathrooms, Toilets,
Podium slabs, Structural surface of Damwalls,Concrete Roof slabs and Balcony etc


35:20 sq. ft./1 ltr/1 coat

Safety Precaution
 : In case of accidental ingestion seek medical advice.

Note - For any Technical clarifications as per our company.


If You Need Any Solution.....We Are Available For You