Resistant Waterproofing Coating

Resistant Waterproofing Coating

We are instrumental in supplying a huge client base with Resistant Waterproofing Coating. The product is highly regarded for providing with ultimate solutions of water proofing and crack sealing. It is used for water proofing masonry surfaces and is resistant to penetration of ultra violet rays. Our product is eco friendly, fast drying, resistant to fungal and algal growth and withstands thermal expansions effectively.
Eco friendly breathable water based non-hazardous formulation
Single component, hence easy to use
Increases air conditioner efficiency & reduce power consumption
Fast drying & self priming due to excellent bonding with base surface & upper coat
Resistant to U.V. rays & mild acids
Withstands thermal expansions due to high elasticity
Water-proofing system on any masonry surfaces e.g. China mosaic, I.P.S., plaster, R.C.C. slabs, etc
Heat retardant & water proofing primer/base coat before painting
Protective and waterproofing coating on balcony lops, chhajas, parapet walls, domes or any other masonry structures
Protective & waterproofing coating on external sides of air conditioning plants water storage tank. e) Anti corrosive & heat reflective insulation on G.I. / C.I. pipe lines
Heat reflecting water proofing system on roofs e.g. R.C.C. slabs, A.C. sheets, corrugated G.I. sheets, timber or plywood, etc
Temperature: 5 to 160 degree
Coverage area: Approximately 50 Sq. Ft.s / Kg
Shelf life: 1 yr

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