Bread Improver

Bread Improver

Bread Improver

From past many years, we are manufacturing and supplying excellent quality Bread Improver that has good raising ability and hence enlarges the bread dimension. This bread improver is provided in different packs as per the needs of customers. Offered bread improver contains dough strengthening agent, fungal alpha amylase, yeast food and approved diluents. We are giving this bread improver at affordable price in a given time frame.

Improves the bread structure
Enhances the fermenting stability
Strengthens dough
Other Details:
Dosage of Bread Improver:
50 gms/100 kg Flour
Good raising ability and hence enlarges the bread dimension
Improves the bread structure
Enhances the fermenting stability and reduces fermentation time
Strengthens dough, produces fine texture, softer bread with whiter crumbs, good oven spring and increases shelf life
BL-Bread Improver is available in 30 kg sack and can be packed as per the customer’s request
Storage and Handling Precautions:
Store it in a cool place and avoid keeping it in direct sunlight. At 50C the activity loss after one year should not be more than 5-10 %
Enzyme dust may cause irritation when inhaled. Unnecessary contact with the product should be avoided

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